Thai massages
25 min |
55 min |
85 min |
115 min |
- Whole Body - Oriental Relaxing Oil Massage.
Thai Aroma massage is a lighter form of traditional Thai massage,
where the pressure on different pressure points is not as intense, it is actually a relaxing massage, with the use of oil. It is distinct from European massage as it involves elements from traditional Thai massage, but also knowledge of Indian Ayurvedic massage. We can also talk of aroma massage as of a therapeutic massage, which relieves muscles and has positive influence on blood circulation as well as on immune system. Particularly pleasant is than the arms and legs massage, including individual fingers. Regular massage calms down the nerve system, relieves muscle tension, stimulates blood circulation and reduces swelling and solidification of the tissue and aids regulation of entrails.
55 min: 1500,- | 85 min: 1900,-
- Whole Body - Traditional Thai Reflex Massage.
Traditional Thai massage is a famous craft, which is passed on from
generation to generation and demands perfect knowledge of the body. Thai massage consists of action of the force on pressure points, relieves the muscles, joints, sinews, feet, stretches out the spine and brings the body an overall physical and mental relieve. The masseurs use their thumbs, palms elbows, knees and feet, so that they are able to develop pressure in combination with stretching and acupressure, so that energy lines in the body unblock and bring overall harmony. It is essential that the traditional thai massage is carried out on clothed body, on the floor with a soft mattress or a mat and is considerably different from our classical European massage.
55 min: 1400,- | 85 min: 1800,-
- Whole Body - Stimulating Massage with Hot Herbs and Oriental Aroma Oils.
Ritual massage is a special stimulating massage. The base of it remains the traditional Thai massage, and as an ensemble there is the hot herbal pouch massage. The heat and the herbs loosen up the muscles in depth and bring much greater relieve. Everything that the traditional Thai massage brings is augmented by the herbs which open up the pores and act deep into the muscles. Ritual massage is an ancient method, by which linen pouches filled by a mixture of more than twenty kinds of herbs and grasses with aromatic substances (e.g. Plai herb, curcuma oil, citrus kaffir, Cryptolepis Buchannai Roem, Curcuma Aromatica Salisb, Patchouli, kaffir, lemon grass and others) according to six centuries old recopies are used. Applying the pouches, warmed up in steam bath, on problematic parts of the body, helps liberate the pain and tension in muscles. It also supplies energy to the tired muscles after exhausting activities. Together with basic relaxation properties gained from the healing herbs, the pouch may stretch ligaments, heal muscle aches, bruises and synostosis. It also supports healthy blood circulation.
85 min: 2000,-
- Whole Body - Whole Body Peeling, Warm Slimming Oil Wrap and a Massage.
Massage aiming at elimination of cellulite, figure forming and
improvement of skin quality. Soft body peeling smoothes away all the dead keratin cells and prepares the skin for the slimming wrap in slimming oil that contains natural ginger extract, which supports blood circulation and dispossess the body of all toxic substances. After that, the aroma-therapeutical massage follows which aims at degrading hypodermic fat. The skin is smooth and soft after the massage. In case that the process is repeated several times, it is possible to notice a more distinct vanishing of cellulite, especially in the buttocks area.
85 min: 1900,-
Back Special
- Complete Back and Head - Strong Back Massage with Thai Balm and Hot Herbs.
Special combination of massage techniques with the use of revealing kaffir and menthol balms, concentrating mainly at neck, head and lumbar area with special care for the isciatical nerve. During this massage, there are many different techniques and accessories combined. Next to the kaffir and menthol balms, also aromatic oils and herbal pouches are used. The bases are the acupressure points on the face, head and especially around the neck spine, through their compressing, release of blocks in these parts essentially comes. It releases mimic muscles on the face, perfuses well the area of neck spine and unblocks blocks.
55 min: 1400,-
Foot Nirvana
- Feet, Legs, Head, Shoulders and Nape - Feet Hydromassage and Thai Balm Wrap. Then a Back and Feet Reflex Massage.
Foot Nirvana is an ancient form of Thai/Chinese massage. Reflex foot
massage is good for improving the functions of internal organs, including the blood and lymph circulation. A hydro massage foot bath (up to knees) precludes the actual foot massage, during which you are sitting in a comfortable seat to become more relaxed. After the bath, the feet are put into a kaffir/menthol wrap, during which the masseur is massaging your head and neck. An acupressure foot massage follows after the wrap. For more intense pressure a special stick is used and in this case a special foot emulsion is used. This massage helps prevent headaches, asthma, megrims, removes tension, stimulates functions of internal organs and helps bear with stress.
25 min: 900,- | 55 min: 1400,- | 85 min: 1700,-
- Belly, Head, Nape, Shoulders - Helps Degrade Stria after Pregnancy as well as it's other Implications.
Mamma is a very unique massage because it is not only a prenatal but also a postnatal massage. During pregnancy, Mamma is adapted to the actual stadium of pregnancy and is aimed at the most burdened body areas such as the back or leg swellings. Postnatal massage is very regardful, the main aim is to clarify the channels and more attention is given to the belly part. During this massage coconut oil is used as an ideal aid by skin care especially in breast and belly area, which are both under pressure.
55 min: 1400,-
- Ears, Nape, Shoulders, Head - Regenerating Upper Back Massage.
Relax massage concentrates mainly at neck spine area and head. It is a form of head, ears, neck and shoulder reflex massage. A dry technique is used with a combination of pressure and stretching techniques. The base are acupressure points on face, head and around neck spine, which are pressurized in order to loosen blocks in these parts. This massage helps getting rid of feelings of stress and pressure.
25 min: 900,-
- Head and Face - Relaxing Punctuall Massage.
Visage is a combination of cosmetics treatment and acupressure massage. The base is putting pressure on different acupressure points together with regenerating facial creams. This massage is not good for those who suffer under distinctive skin defects. Whilst the regenerating cream is working, the masseur massages your neck spine and hands.
25 min: 900,-
Silky Hands
- Hands and Forearms - Peeling and Punctuall Massage.
Very pleasant relaxing fingers, hands and forearms massage with the use of special hand emulsions and creams, which has impact on important energeticall points in our body and leaves the hands nourished, soft and supple.
25 min: 900,-
Lulur Exotic
- Whole Body - Reactivates circulation and improves the tone of tissues. Cleansing, nourishing and refiining effects.
Chakra Stone Massage
- Whole Body - Traditional Chineese Method. Energy Harmonization with Lava Stones
55 min: 1200,- | 85 min: 1700,-
Chocolate Massage
- Whole Body - Beneficient chocolate massage, containing antioxidants, effective aggainst stress and ageing.
Honey Massage
- Whole Body - Detoxicating honey massage,which helps stimulate the organism tired from stress and strains. Releases the lymph, softens up and nourishes the skin.
Pepper Massage
- Whole Body - Effective anticellulite massage with essential pepper products. Antistress, anticelulite, wrinkle reduction and lymph release.
Soysoy Massage
- Whole Body - Revitalizing, anti-ageing, modeling massage charged with vitamins, stimulating the formation of Elastin and Colagen.
Aromatic Candle Massage
- Whole Body - Unique massage with candles chosen acording to the signs of Zodiac. . Nourishes and softens up the skin. Sensual therapy.
55 min: 1300,- | 85 min: 2000,-
Bamboo Massage
- Whole Body - Intensively stretching, relieving, draining and senses stimulating massage with bamboo sticks.
55 min: 1500,- | 85 min: 1900,-
- Whole Body - Sport Reflex Massage. Reveals the Spine. Reduces Pain, Migrens, Tension.
55 min: 1300,- | 85 min: 1800,-
- Whole Body - Connection of Classical (Sweedish) and Reflex Massage. Reduces Tension, Back Pain, Leg Swellings and Migrens.
55 min: 1300,- | 85 min: 1800,-
Tokoriki Ritual
- Cosmetic body healing with hot seashells
- Massage with hot and cold seashells
Facial treatment with products according to the massage type chosen
Hamman Body Spa
- Whole Body - Antidepresive, procedure with the use of natural eucaliptus oils and sea salt.
Rice Scrub
- Whole Body - Rice scrub with cherry blossom extract. Hydrating and rejuvenating effects.
Dead Sea Salt Peeling
- Whole Body - Peeling Removes the dead skin cells and the oil massage vitalizes, lightens and makes the skin softer.
Rubbing Glove Massage
- Whole Body - Exfoliation, skin perfusion + oil massage.
Cooling Silk Wrap
- Whole Body - Refreshes, Regenerates, Hydrates and Calms (Contains Panthenol, Lotus and Silk Protein).
Moor Wrap
- Whole Body - Form of Heattreatment, intensifyies blood throughflow.
- Head (nervous system) - Relaxing and Healing Technique. Effects: rejuvenating, cleansing.
Relaxační a regenerační masáž hlavy s kosmetickými účinky. Při této masáži se postupně uvolňuje pokožka celé hlavy a v závěru se provádí akupresura ušních lalůčků. Na hlavu a obličej se jemně vtírá čistý přírodní mandlový olej a to takovým způsobem, že přímo působí na šedou mozkovou kůru. Účinky masáže jsou výživa a regenerace pokožky a vlasových kořínků, rozpuštění stresu, prevence proti migrénám a zánětům dýchacích cest.
55 min: 1200,-
- Head - Head Skin and Face Massage with Aromatic Oils.
"nebeský obklad" někdy označovaná jako "masáž 3 oka", je považována za jeden z nejsilnějších postupných léčebných prostředků. Nepřetržitý tok léčebného oleje tekoucího na čelo a skalp je ojedinělou léčebnou terapií určenou k uvolnění duševního napětí a zklidnění mysli. Při opakovaných aplikacích působí na cca. 80 nemocí, např. onemocnění krku, dutin, krevního oběhu, zklidňuje organismus, lečí nespavost, apod.
55 min: 1200,-
- Whole Body - Reflex Points Massage with warm Ayurvedic oil.
Vysoce energizující celotělová masáž. V první části masáže se za použití speciálních ajurvédských olejů krouživým, zvyšujícím se tlakem prstů působí na určité harmonizační body / zvané marmy / po celém těle. Působí se pouze na ty body, které mají povzbuzující a regenrační účinky prakticky na všechny vnitřní orgány, včetně krevního tlaku a žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. V druhé části masáže se protahuí klouby u rukou a nohou. Tím dochází k jejich prokrvení a rozpouštění usazenin. Je to prevence proti dně, revmatu a artróze.
85 min: 1900,-
- Neck, Upper Back - Soft Massage with special Ayurvedic Balm.
Jemná masáž krčních a zádových partií. Dle tísíce let ověřených metod Ajurvédské medicíny za použití Ajurvédských léčivých olejů a balzámů dochází v těchto partiích k uvolnění bloků a rovnoměrnému prokrvení páteře. Masáží v oblasti šíjového svalstva dochází k regeneraci vegetativního nervového systému. Proto je to masáž vhodná pro osoby pracující na PC.
55 min: 1200,-
- Feet - Overall Nerv Stimulation With Warm Tibetian Bowls.
Reflexní masáž plosek nohou tibetskou miskou. Tato u nás méně známá ajurvédská procedura používá k masáži plosek nohou misku vyrobenou dle starých ajurvédkých receptur ze slitiny 5ti kovů. Při takto prováděné masáži dochází k regeneraci lymfatického sytému, detoxikaci celého organismu s posílením jeho imunity, ke stabilizaci krevního tlaku a tepu a dalších.
55 min: 1200,-